At the end of November 2022, IHS academic staff Charmae Nercua, Ore Fika and Eqi Luo wrapped up the 3-week tailor-made training (TMT) "Building climate resilience through sustainable land management and climate-smart agriculture", in Uganda. This TMT was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs through Nuffic Global Development.
The training was delivered to 21 ministerial staff of the Ugandan Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MLHUD). The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development is responsible for providing policy direction, national standards and coordination of all matters concerning lands, housing and urban development in Uganda.
The goal of the training was to develop the capacity of ministerial staff by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to adapt and mitigate climate change impacts on land, housing and urban development in order to ensure increased agricultural productivity toward long-lasting food security in Uganda. For three weeks, participants had the chance to dive deeper into the topics of climate change impacts to land, agriculture and food security in Uganda. They acquired practical tools for climate-risk-sensitive land use planning and they learned about integrating gender equity in climate adaptation action planning.
The closing ceremony was attended by the Netherlands Embassy Head of Cooperation Mr. Joost van Ettro, the representative of the MLHUD Permanent Secretary and local experts from Makerere University and Ugandan Management Institute.
Tailor-made Training in Uganda