IHS Staff publications

IHS, Erasmus University Rotterdam University Rankings - standing people

Chaturvedi, V., Durán-Díaz, P. and de Vries, W. T. (2025). A remote sensing-based methodology to assess the vulnerability, versatility, and vitality (3Vs) of rural towns: Bayerisch Eisenstein and Tuchenbach, Germany, in: M. Sahana (Ed.) Remote sensing and GIS in peri-urban research. Perspectives on global change, sustainability and resilience(Vol. 11). Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 71-87.
Do Couto, E. V., Carletti, R., de Vries, W. T. and Durán-Díaz, P. (2025). Spatial and temporal effects of urban growth in Manaus: Examining urban and peri-urban sprawl in the heart of the world’s largest tropical rainforest, Brazil, in: M. Sahana (Ed.) Remote sensing and GIS in peri-urban research. Perspectives on global change, sustainability and resilience (Vol. 11). Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 409-428.

Adjei, B., Tudzi, E. P., Owusu-Ansah, A., Kidido, J. K. and Durán-Díaz, P. (2024). The impacts of mining industries on land tenure in Ghana: A comprehensive systematic literature review, Land, 13(9), 1386 (First online 29 August 2024) https://doi.org/10.3390/land13091386
Avni, N. and Kaddar, M. (2024). Filling the void: arts and culture institutions as socio-political actors in East Jerusalem, Urban Geography, (First online 18 June 2024) https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2024.2362506
Bakker, J., Scholten, P., Fransen, J. and Minkman, E. (2024). A typology of urban knowledge sharing : from a systematic literature review to an integrated model. Science and Public Policy, scae008, (First online 11 April 2024) https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scae008
Bracken, G., Rabé. P. and Azlan N. A. (Eds.) (2024). Future practices of citizenship in Asia and the West : Care of the self (Volume III) (Asian Cities). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.5117/9789048562077 <Forthcoming>.
Cai, M. (2024). From fragmentation to integration : experiences from China Multi-Plan Integration Program (PhD. thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Castellani, B. and Gerrits, L. (2024). The atlas of social complexity. Chelmsford: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781789909524
Cieślak, B., Nagler, P. and Oort, F. van (2024). How administrative degradation affects middle-sized cities: lessons from Poland’s 1998 regional reform. Regional Studies, (First online 16 April 2024) https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2024.2328154
Djais, G. A. (2024). Governing sustainable corridor development : case studies of Gilimanuk-Denpasar-Padangbai and Yogyakarta-Solo-Semerant corridors (PhD. thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Djais, G., Fransen, J. and Koppenjan, J. (2024). Governing sustainable corridor development: A case study of Gilimanuk-Denpasar-Padang Bai corridor in Indonesia. Environmental Policy and Governance 1-14, (First online 18 March 2024) https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.2104
Eerd, M. van and Schelkshorn, D. (2024). Longitudinal insights on a sites and services resettlement project. The case of Ambedkar Nagar in Chennai, India, International Journal of Housing Policy, (First online 24 April 2024) https://doi.org/10.1080/19491247.2024.2308721
Endo, K. (2024). Towards sustainable infrastructure development in developing Southeast Asian countries : Focusing on finance and governance perspectives (PhD thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Fransen, J., Hati, B., Stapele, N. van., Kiriro, S. and Nyumba, R. (2024). Resilience pathways of informal settlements in Nairobi: Stasis, decline, adaptation, and transformation. European Journal of Development Research, (First online 11 January 2024) https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-023-00605-w
Fransen, J., Hati, B., Simon. H. K. and Stapele, N. van (2024). Adaptive governance by community based organisations : community resilience initiatives during Covid-19 in Mathare, NairobiOpens external. Sustainable Development, 32(2), 1471-1482, (First online 26 May 2023) https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2682
Ke, Q., Zhang, Y. and Zhang, D. (2024). Supporting China’s pilot on resilient cities : Key recommendations for Weihai’s 2035 Agenda. Rotterdam: Global Center on Adaptation
Los. A. (2024). Can AI help to battle climate change? Cities Today.
Nada, M. A. M. (2024). Managing urban sprawl: The politics and governance of implementing urban expansion policies in Egyptian cities (PhD. thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) https://pure.eur.nl/en/publications/managing-urban-sprawl-the-politics-and-governance-of-implementing
Nederhand, J., Avelino, F., Edelenbos, J. and Fransen, J. (2024). Editorial to the special issue on urban vitalism. Cities, 148, 104911, (First online 01 March 2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2024.104911
Olsonoski, A. and Gianoli, A. (2024). Water management for flood control in New Orleans: Key factors contributing to institutional inertia. Cities, 147, 104793, (First online 24 January 2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2024.104793
Pay, C. and Gianoli, A. (2024). Securing the future: Analysing the protein transition in Singapore. Cities, 150, 105072, (First online 04 May 2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2024.105072
Pico Parra, T. K. (2024). The absorptive capacities of Quito's local stakeholders for the concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) (PhD. thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Quadros Aniche, L., Edelenbos, J., Gianoli, A., Enseñado, E. M., Makousiari, E., DeLosRíos-White, M. I., Caruso, C. and Zalokar, S. (2024). Boosting co-creation of Nature-based Solutions within Living Labs: Interrelating enablers using interpretive structural modelling, Environmental Science and Policy, 161, 103873, (First online 30 August 2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103873
Quadros Aniche, L., Edelenbos, J., Gianoli, A., Caruso, R., DeLosRíos-White, M. I., Wissink-Nercua, C. P., Undabeitia, A., Enseñado, E. M. and Gharbia, S. (2024). Contextualizing and generalizing drivers and barriers of urban living labs for climate resilience. Environmental Policy and Governance, (First online 17 January 2024) https://doi.org/10.1002/eet.2097
Rekha, P., Bosco, S. D. Eerd, M. van and Velayutham C. (2024). A study on mobile phone technology adoption & usage among urban poor women in resettlement sites. Social Media + Society, 10(1), (First online 19 March 2024) https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051241237271
Richie, C., Garcia-Gomez, P., Thio, H. B., Rwei, A., Joo, C., Staufer, U., Muratore, D., Mastrangeli, M., Dedoussi, I., Exel, J. van; Ourti, T. van; Bonfrer, I, Gianoli, A., Los, A. Horst, G. T. J. van der; 5, Hagen, M. van, Burdorf, L. Been, J. V., Hermans, M., Stadhouders, R., Rottier, R. J., 6, Bornioli, A., Chaves, I. Dik, W. A. (2024). Research on the health impact of climate must consider distributive justice and environmental sustainability, PLOS climate, 3(6), e0000432, (First online 17 June 2024) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pclm.0000431
Rojas-Rivero, A., Durán-Díaz, P., López-Lambas, M. E. & Soria-Lara, J. A. (2024).Cocreando escenarios disruptivos para la integración resiliente del transporte y usos de suelo en municipios insulares con alta dependencia del turismo. Ciudad Y Territorio Estudios Territoriales, 56(220), 549-566. https://doi.org/10.37230/CyTET.2024.220.11
Sakızlıoğlu, B. (2024). Feminist urban sociology and social reproduction. In M. A. Martímez (Ed.) Research handbook on urban sociology, pp. 188-201. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800888906.00020
Sakızlıoğlu, B. (2024). Unveiling urban dispossessions through a Feminist lens: social reproduction, gentrification and authoritarian neoliberal urbanism. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 13239, (First online 4 June 2024). https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2427.13239
Sharma, S. (2024). Benefits of AI: A multistakeholder responsibility. Futures, 157, 103328, (First online 24 January 2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2024.103328
Srivastava, A. K., Bagauli, S. and Sharma, S. (2024). Issues and innovation in urban India to make cities sustainable, resilient, and liveable, in: A. K Srivastava and I A. Srivastava (Eds.), Administration in India: Challenges and innovations. (Routledge studies in South Asian politics). Abingdon: Routledge, (pp.134-147). https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003433187-12
Vermeulen, R. (2024). Interrogating the first signs of gentrification in postcolonial Kota Tua, Jakarta. Amsterdam Museum Journal, no. 2, Summer 2024, 40-75
Zhang, X. (2024). From dilemma to balance : urban conservation and (re)development in mainland China (PhD. thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Zhang, X., Edelenbos, J. and Gianoli, A. (2024). Identifying modes of managing urban heritage: Results from a systematic literature review, City, Culture and Society, 36, 100560, (First online 03 December 2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccs.2023.100560
Zhu, J., Gianoli, A., Noori, N., Jong, M. de and Edelenbos, J. (2024). How different can smart cities be? A typology of smart cities in China. Cities, 149, 104992, (First online 02 April 2024) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2024.104992

Alsayel, A., Fransen, J., Jong, M. de; (2023) City branding in a multi-level governance context: comparing branding performance across five institutional models for urban development in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Place Management and Development, (First online 06 February 2023) http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JPMD-07-2022-0061  
Baliga, A. (2023). Chasing land, chasing crisis: Interrogating speculative urban development through developers’ pursuit of land commodification in Mumbai. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, (First online 24 October 2023) https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X231198153
Bosco, S. Don and Eerd, M. van (2023). Not quite the death of distance in Chennai : challenging the resettlement utopia of Perumbakkam. In P. Arora, U. Raman and R. König (Eds.), Feminist futures of work : reimagining labour in the digital economy (pp. 127-142). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/jj.2711713.14
Brilhante, O. and Skinner, J. (2023). Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) and Nature-Based Approaches (NBS) in the context of green cities. Environmental Analysis & Ecology Studies, 11(1), 000754. (First online 09 May 2023) https://doi.org/10.31031/EAES.2023.11.000754
Calzada Olvera, B. (2023). Alternative related variety, macroeconomic factors and diversification: Extractive vs. non-extractive products, (UNU-MERIT Working Paper 2023-030). Maastricht: United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT).
Calzada Olvera, B. & Iizuka, M. (2023). The mining sector: profit-seeking strategies, innovation patterns, and commodity prices, Industrial and Corporate Change, dtad020. (First online 07 June 2023). https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtad020
Chen. G., Zhang, W., Liu, X., Peng, H., Zhou, F., Wang, H., Ke, Q. and Xiao, B. (2023). Development and application of a multi-centre cloud platform architecture for water environment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 344(15 October 2023) 118670. (First online 28 July 2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118670
Cieślak, B., Nagler, P. & Oort, F. van (2023). Regional capital no more. How the reform of the territorial government has marginalized Polish middle-sized cities (Tinbergen Institute discussion paper ; TI 2023-001/VIII). Rotterdam/Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute. Retrieved from https://papers.tinbergen.nl/23001.pdf
Diep, L., Parikh, P., Dodman, D., Alencar, J. and Scarati Martins, J. R. (2023). Problematizing infrastructural “fixes”: critical perspectives on technocratic approaches to green infrastructure. Urban Geography, 44(3) 470 - 491. https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2022.2087947
Dodman, D., Sverdlik, A., Agarwal, S., Kadungure, A., Kothiwal, K., Machemedze, R. & Verma, S. (2023). Climate change and informal workers: Towards an agenda for research and practice. Urban Climate, 48, 101401. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2022.101401
Elsamny, M. & Gianoli, A. (2023). Accelerating innovation for the Dutch bioeconomy transition: The case of biobased asphalt. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 66(1), 97-121. https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2021.1978406
Enseñado, E. M. (2023). City-to-city learning: a synthesis and research agenda. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, (First online 13 November 2023) https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2023.2281426
Foishal, I. H., Eerd, M. van, Al-Tanbin, S. H. and Noman, A. Al (2023). Restoring and improving livelihoods in resettlement sites through housing transformation : evidence from Gopalganj, Bangladesh. American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 11(3) 94-101. (First online 25 August 2023) https://doi.org/10.12691/ajcea-11-3-5
Fransen, J., Hati, B., Nyumba, R. & Tuijl, E. van (2023). Community vitality and frugal practices in informal settlements in Nairobi: Towards a typologyCities, 134, 104179. (First online 10 January 2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.104179
Gerrits, L., Los, A. & Pagliarin, S. (2023). Citizen science in spatial and environmental problems, in: K. Van Assche, R. Beunen & M. Duineveld (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia in urban and regional planning and design (Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series). Chelmsford: Edward Elgar, (pp. 59-62).
Gerrits, L. & Pagliarin, S. (2023). Big data a machine learning, in: K. Van Assche, R. Beunen & M. Duineveld (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia in urban and regional planning and design (Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series). Chelmsford: Edward Elgar, (pp. 35-37).
Gerrits, L. & Pagliarin, S. (2023). Qualitative comparative analysis in urban planning studies, in: K. Van Assche, R. Beunen & M. Duineveld (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia in urban and regional planning and design (Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series). Chelmsford: Edward Elgar, (pp. 319-322).
Gerrits, L. & Pagliarin, S. (2023). Smart cities: Hype and reality, in: K. Van Assche, R. Beunen & M. Duineveld (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia in urban and regional planning and design (Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series). Chelmsford: Edward Elgar, (pp. 350-352).
Gerrits. L., Pagiarin, S., Klein, K. U. and Knieling, F. (2023). Tracing complex urban transformations in Germany, Switzerland and Austria using trajectory-based qualitative comparative analysis (TJ-QCA). Cities, 141, 104507. (First online 16 August 2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104507
Gómez, G. M.. Manya, V. and Fransen, J. (2023). Vital entrepreneurial ecosystems: The case of ICT in Yaba, Nigeria, Cities, vol. 137(June), 104289, (First online 09 March 2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104289
Hernández-García, J. and Pico Parra, T. (2023). Co-producing urban and peri-urban agriculture in andean countries. In R. J. Lawrence (Ed.), Handbook of transdisciplinarity : global perspectives (pp. 455–473). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802207835.00038
Hersperger, A. M., Gerrits, L. & Pagliarin, S. (2023). Digitalization in planning, in: K. Van Assche, R. Beunen & M. Duineveld (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia in urban and regional planning and design (Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series). Chelmsford: Edward Elgar, (pp. 110-113).
IPCC, (2023). Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (Eds.)]. IPCC: Geneva, 184 pp. https://doi.org/10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647
Kirchberg, V., Hoop, M. & Kaddar, M. (2023). The influence of political engagement on artistic reputation. Self-evaluations of artists: Der Einfluss von politischem Engagement auf die künstlerische Reputation. Selbsteinschätzungen von Künstlern. Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy/Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement und Kulturpolitik, 9(1), 29-58. https://doi.org/10.14361/zkmm-2023-0102
Lim, Y., Edelenbos, J. & Gianoli, A. (2023). Dynamics in the governance of smart cities: Insights from South Korean smart cities. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 27(sup1), 183-205. https://doi.org/10.1080/12265934.2022.2063158
Nederhand, J., Avelino, F., Awad, I., De Jong, P., Duijn, M., Edelenbos, J., Engelbert, J., Fransen, J. Schiller, M. and Van Stapele, N. (2023). Reclaiming the city from an urban vitalism perspective: critically reflecting smart, inclusive, resilient and sustainable just city labels, Cities, 137(June) 104257. (First online 30 March 2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104257
Pagliarin, S. (2023). Institutional blendscapes: The suburban governance role of the Diputación de Barcelona, Built Environment, 49(2), 94-114. First online 01 March 2023) https://doi.org/10.2148/benv.49.1.94
Patchineelam, S. M. and Eerd. M. van (2023). Changing traditions : the case of Amazonian riverine women and Belo Monte hydropower dam. In A Skjerven and M. Fordham (Eds.). Gender and the Sustainable Development Goals : infrastructure, empowerment and education (Routledge/ISDRS series in sustainable development research), pp. 145-160. Abingdon: Routledge
Pietrobelli, C., Calzada Olvera, B., Iizuka, M. & Mazzi, C. T. (2023). Suppliers’ entry, upgrading, and innovation inmining GVCs: Lessons from Argentina, Brazil, and Peru, Industrial and Corporate Change, dtad079. https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtad079
Riera-Spiegelhalder, M., Campos-Rodrigues, L., Enseñado, E. M., Dekker-Arlain, J. den, Papadopoulou, O., Arampatzis, S. & Vervoort, K. (2023). Socio-economic assessment of ecosystem-based and other adaptation strategies in coastal areas: A systematic review. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(2), 319, (First online 02 February 2023) https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse11020319
Schumacher, M., Kurjenoja Lounassaari, A. K. and Durán-Díaz, P. (2023). Herramientas gráficas análisis del paisaje biocultural a través de la vision figurativa de Humboldt y la cosmovisión nahua en Cuetzalan. In: Mónica E. López-Franco and Alehandro Pérez- Duarte Fernández (Eds.) Memorias de Cuatro Congreso Internacional del Hábitat y Sustentabilidad. Tlaquepaque: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, (ITESO), pp. 257-269.
Zhang, Z., Edelenbos, J. & Gianoli, A. (2023). Urban conservation in multi-level governance: Comparing the interaction patterns in conserving different types of cultural heritage in the mainland of China, Urban Governance, (First online 21 November 2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ugj.2023.11.001


Abegunde, A. A., Adedeji, Y. M. D., Adegun, O. B., Fika, O. and Ojo, B. (2022). Impacts and acceptance of studentification in Ile‑Ife, Nigeria. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 37(4) 2035-2057. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-022-09935-3
Abegunde, A. A., Alade, A. A., Fika, O., Mobolaji, J. W., Olayiwola, L. M., Akinyemi, A., & Ezike, I. B. (2022). Determining variation in women’s labor force participation in a fragile region of sub-Saharan Africa using Cochran’s Q statistic. In O. O. Awe, K. Love & E. A. Vance (Eds.), Promoting statistical practice and collaboration in developing countries, Boca Raton: CRC Press, (pp.193-218). https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/54269
Akbar, P. N. G. and Jachnow, A. (2022). The permanency of temporality : How grassroots festivals in Indonesia create places in informal settlements. Journal of Place Management and Development. (First online 08 June 2022) https://doi.org/10.1108/JPMD-06-2020-0062
Alsayel, A., Jong, M. de & Fransen, J. (2022). Can creative cities be inclusive too? How do Dubai, Amsterdam and Toronto navigate the tensions between creativity and inclusiveness in their adoption of city brands and policy initiatives? Cities, 128, 103786. (First online 8 June 2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103786
Banerjee, B. (2022). Housing temporalities of the aspiring global city: A reply to ‘Housing temporalities state narratives and precarity in the Global South’ by Ruchika Lall. Global Discourse, 12(2), 427-429. (First online 18 March 2022) https://doi.org/10.1332/204378921X16311425174621
Banerjee, B. (2022). Including the urban poor in India through supply-side interventions for self-built housing. Shelter, 23(2), 17-25.
Banerjee, B. (2022). Legal land tenure programmes: Security and precarity of the poor in urban India. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 14(1), 398-402. (First online 10 August 2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/19463138.2022.2111434
Banerjee, B. (2022). Streets as drivers for transformation and inclusion of slums. In V. Bharne and S. Khandekar (Eds.) Streets for all : 50 ideas for shaping resilient cities. Mumbai: Ironman Media & Advisory Services, pp. 94-99.
Brilhante, O. and Skinner, J. (2022). Making Asian cities greener : a tool to measure environmental performance over time and a method to implement a Green City Action Plan, Highlights of Sustainability, 1(3), 113-128. (First online 07 July 2022) https://doi.org/10.54175/hsustain1030009
Calzada Olvera, B. G. (2022). Extractive industries and structural transformation [Doctoral Thesis, Maastricht University]. Maastricht University | MUMC+ Research Information. https://doi.org/10.26481/dis.20220518bc
Calzada Olvera, B. (2022). Innovation in mining: what are the challenges and opportunities along the value chain for Latin American suppliers?, Mineral Economics, 35, 35-51. (First online 09 February 2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13563-021-00251-w
Calzada Olvera, B., Gonzalez-Sauri, M., Harings Moya, D-A. and Louvin, F. (2022). Covid-19 in Central America: Firm resilience and policy responses on employment. Journal of Policy Modeling, 44(6), 1280-1295. (First online 19 November 2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2022.11.005
Calzada Olvera, B. and Iizuka, M. (2022). The mining sector : profit-seeking strategies, innovation patterns, and commodity prices (GRIPS discussion paper ; 22-09). Tokyo: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS).
Calzada Olvera, B. and Spinola, D. (2022). Complexity and productive structure in Latin America : a network analysis of trade patterns (CAFÉ working paper ; 16). Birmingham: Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFÉ), Birmingham City University.
Chang, R. A. and Gerrits, L. (2022). What spatially stabilises temporary use? A qualitative comparative analysis of 40 temporary use cases along synchronised trajectories of stabilisation. Cities, vol. 130, 103868. (First online 29 July 2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103868
Cortinovis, N. and Oort, F. van (2022). Economic networks, innovation and proximity. In A. Torre, and D. Gallaud (Eds.) Handbook of proximity relations (pp. 292-306). Northampton: Edward Elgar. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781786434784.00022
Diep, L., Parikh, P., Dodman, D., Alencar, J. and Martins, J. R. S. (2022). Problematizing infrastructural “fixes”: critical perspectives on technocratic approaches to green Infrastructure. Urban Geography, (First online 16 June 2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2022.2087947
Diep, L., Parikh, P., dos Santos Duarte, B. P., Bourget, A. F., Dodman, D. and Martins, J. R. S., (2022). “It won’t work here” : Lessons for just nature-based stream restoration in the context of urban informality. Environmental Science & Policy, 136, October 22, 542-554. (First online 20 July 2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2022.06.020
Dodman, D., Hayward, B., Pelling, M., Castan Broto, V., Chow, W., Chu E., Dawson, R. Khirfan, L., McPhearson, T., Prakash, A., Zheng Y. and G. Ziervogel (2022). Cities, settlements and key Infrastructure. In H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem and B. Rama (Eds.). Climate change 2022 : impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. pp. 907-1040. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press.
Endo, K., Edelenbos, J. and Gianoli, A. (2022). Sustainable infrastructure : a systematic literature review on finance arrangements and governance modes. Public Works Management & Policy (First online 15 November 2022) https://doi.org/10.1177/1087724X221130284
Esteban, T. A. O. (2022). Collective engagement : from disaster-prone to disaster-resilient city (PhD. thesis). Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam. Retrieved from: https://pure.eur.nl/files/44414789/theresa_audrey_estebanpdf_61b65ee626dbd.pdf
Ferreira Villalba, M., Dijkstra G., Scholten, P. and Sucozhañay, D. (2022). The effectiveness of inter-municipal cooperation for integrated sustainable waste management : a case study in Ecuador. Waste Management, 150, 208-217. (First online 16 July 2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2022.07.008
Fransen, J., Ochoa Peralta, D., Vanelli, F., Edelenbos, J. and Calzada Olvera, B. (2022). The emergence of urban community resilience initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic : an international exploratory study. European Journal of Development Research, 34, 432-454. (First online 21 January 2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-020-00348-y
Gerrits, L. and Marks, P. (2022). Learn and adapt, or perish : the Case of the F35 Lightning II. Administration and Society. (First online 08 June 2022). https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00953997221098776
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Klijn, E., Sierra, V., Ysa, T., Berman, E.  and Edelenbos, J. et al., 2015. The influence of trust on network performance in Taiwan, Spain, and the Netherlands : a cross-country comparison. International Public Management Journal, 19 (1), pp. 111-139.
Klijn, E., Ysa, T., Sierra, V., Berman, E. and Edelenbos, J. et al., 2015. The influence of network management and complexity on network performance in Taiwan, Spain and the Netherlands. Public Management Review, 17 (5), pp. 736-764. 
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Meerkerk, I. van, Edelenbos, J. and Klijk, E. 2015. Connective management and governance network performance : the mediating role of throughput legitimacy. Findings from survey research on complex water projects in the Netherlands. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (4), pp. 746-764. 
Meijerink, S., Stiller, S., Keskitalo, E. C. H., Scholten, P., et al., 2015. The role of leadership in regional climate change adaptation : a comparison of adaptation practices initiated by governmental and non-governmental actors. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 6 (1), pp. 25-37. 
Meyer, H., Bregt, A., Dammers, E. and Edelenbos, J. eds., 2015. New perspectives on urbanized deltas : a complex adaptive systems approach to planning and design. Amsterdam: MUST Publishers. 
Meyer, H., Broesi, R. and Edelenbos, J. 2015. Introduction. In: H. Meyer, A. Bregt, E. Dammers and J. Edelenbos eds., 2015. New perspectives on urbanized deltas : a complex adaptive systems approach to planning and design. Amsterdam: MUST Publications. pp. 9-46. 
Olivotto, V. and Zuijderwijk, L. (abstract), 2015. ‘Re-thinking communication & dissemination strategies: towards practices of engagement & co-production in TRANSIT’, presented during conference European Society for Ecological Economics 2015: Transformations
Oort, F. van, 2015. Unity in variety? Agglomeration economics beyond the specialization-diversity controversy. In: C. Karlsson, M. Andersson and T. Norman eds., 2015. Handbook of research methods and applications in economic geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. 259-271. 
Oort, F. van and Cortinovis, N. 2015. Variety, economic growth and knowledge intensity of European regions : a spatial panel analysisThe Annals of Regional Science, 55 (1), pp. 7-32.
Oort, F. van, Geus, S. de and Dogaru, T. 2015. Related variety and regional economic growth in a cross-section of European regions. European Planning Studies, 23 (6), pp. 1110-1127.
Pols, L., Edelenbos, J., Pel, B. and Dammers, E. 2015. Envisioning for a complex delta. In: H. Meyer, A. Bregt, E. Dammers and J. Edelenbos eds., 2015. New perspectives on urbanized deltas : a complex adaptive systems approach to planning and design. Amsterdam: MUST Publishers. pp. 155-172. 
Pols, L., Edelenbos, J., Pel, B. and Dammers, E. 2015. Urbanized deltas as complex adaptive systems. In: H. Meyer, A. Bregt, E. Dammers and J. Edelenbos eds. New perspectives on urbanized deltas : a complex adaptive systems approach to planning and design. Amsterdam: MUST Publications. pp. 47-60. 
Ruijsink, S. and  Olivotto, V. 2015. Integrating climate change into City Development Strategies (CDS). Nairobi: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Scholten, P., Keskitalo, E. C. H. and Meijerink, S. 2015. Bottom-up initiatives toward climate change adaptation cases in the Netherlands and the UK : a complexity leadership perspectiveEnvironment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (5), pp. 1024-1038.
Tsatsou, A. 2015. Port-city relationship and climate change : actions for resilience. In: J. Ryser ed. Cities save the world : let's reinvent planning (Proceedings of the 51st ISOCARP Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 19-23 October, 2015), The Hague, International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP). pp. 1370-1379. 
Tsui, T. and Wall, R. 2015. Trade patterns. In: H. C. v. Latesteijn and A. Oostra eds., 2015. Feeding tomorrow's cities. s.l.: Metropolitan Food Security (MFS). pp. 32-33.
Wall, R.Stavropoulos, S.Edelenbos, J. and Pajević, F. 2015. Evaluating the performance of smart cities in the global economic network. In: M. P. Rodríguez-Bolívar ed. Cham: Springer. pp. 87-113. 
Wall, R. and Tsui, T. 2015. Logistics networks. In: H. C. v. Latesteijn and A. Oostra eds., 2015. Feeding tomorrow's cities. s.l.: Metropolitan Food Security (MFS). pp. 30-31. 
Welsh, S.Pennink, C. and Browne N. J. W., eds., 2015, Master urban management and development : 2013-2014 UMD 10 (Thesis series : 8 (includes CD-ROM)). Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS).
Zuijderwijk, L. and Burgers J. 2015. Making sense of others in a super-diverse city : ethnic categorization in public space. Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionist : Conflict and Cooperation, 45, pp. 51-73. 

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Breimer, T., 2014, Preparing for rapid urbanisation in the land market of the peri-urban interface (PUI). (Paper presented at the 6th International Conference: Towards a Regional Agenda for Habitat III: Responsive Urbanism in Informal Areas (Working Paper series), Cairo, November 25-27) Cairo, Cairo University Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, pp. 479-496.
Bressers, N. and Edelenbos, J., 2014, Planning for adaptivity : facing complexity in innovative urban water squares, Emergence: Complexity & Organization - An International Transdisciplinary Journal of Complex Social Systems, 16 (1), pp. 77-99. 
Burger, M. J.; Knaap, van der, B. and Wall, R. S., 2014, Polycentricity and the multiplexity of urban networksEuropean Planning Studies, 22 (4), pp. 816-840. 
Corten J-P. and Geurts, E., 2014, Integrated conservation. In: Corten J-P.; Geurts, E.; Meurs, P. and Vermeulen R. (eds.). Heritage as an asset for inner city development : an urban managers' guidebook, pp. 39-49.
Corten J-P.; Geurts, E.; Meurs, P. and Vermeulen R. (eds.), 2014, Heritage as an asset for inner city development : an urban managers' guidebook, Rotterdam, nai010 publishers, 190 p.
Dammers, E., Bregt, A.K., Edelenbos J., Meyer, H. and Pel, B., 2014, Urban deltas as complex adaptive systems : implications for planning and design, Built Environment, 40 (2), pp. 156-168. 
Dijk, M.P. van, 2014, Achieving the SDGs : public good with private money? The contribution of economics to water and sanitation problems. (Valedictory speech on World Water Day on March 21). Delft, UNESCO-IHE, 56 p. 
Dijk, M. P. van, 2014, Sustainable solid waste collection in Addis Ababa :  the users' perspectiveInternational Journal of Waste Resources 4 (3), 11 p. 
Dijk, M. P. van; Etajak, S.; Mwalwega, B. and Ssempebwa, J., 2014, Financing sanitation and cost recovery in the slums of Dar es Salaam and KampalaHabitat International, 43, pp. 206-213.
Fransen, J., 2014, Promoting cluster development, Kasongan pottery cluster, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, p. 76. In: Luis Carvalho; Egon de Haas and Hazem Galal (eds.) [et al.] iUrban : innovative city strategies for sustainable competitiveness : summary report, Rotterdam, iUrban.
Giebels, D., Edelenbos, J. and Gerrits, L., 2014, Understanding the role of knowledge in ecosystem-based management: Ten variables defining its empirical manifestation. In: Meek J. W. and Marshall, K.S. (Eds.), Compact II : Administrative Strategies for Complex Governance Systems, Litchfield Park Arizona. Emergent Publications, pp. 169-198. 
Grafakos, S., Pacteau, C.,  and Driscoll, P. [et al.], 2014, The UCCRN assessment report on climate change and cities : guidelines for developing climate change strategies. (Paper presented at Deltas in times of Climate Change International Conference, September 24–26, 2014, Rotterdam, the Netherlands).
Murungi, C. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2014, Emptying, transportation and disposal of feacal sludge in informal settlements of Kampala Uganda : the economics of sanitationHabitat international, 42, pp. 69-75.
Oikonomou, V., Flamos, A. and Grafakos, S., 2014, Combination of energy policy instruments : creation of added value or overlapping? Energy Sources, Part B : Economics, Planning, and Policy, 9 (1), pp. 46-56.
Polo-Ballinas, M., 2014, Los servicios ecosistémicos de los ríos urbanos y su contribución en la adaptación al cambio climático en las ciudades mexicanasInvestigación ambiental Ciencia y política pública, (6) 1, pp. 43-51.
Rijswick, M. van, Edelenbos, J. and Hellegers, P. [et al.], 2014, Ten building blocks for sustainable water governance : an integrated method to assess the governance of waterWater International, 39 (5), pp. 725-742.
Sharma, B., Koirala, A., Joshi, I.L., Pradhan, S.P., Jachnow, A. and Zehner, C., 2014, Institutional development for emerging towns in Nepal, Kathmandu, Urban Governance and Development Program (UGDP).
Tilaye, M. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2014, Private sector participation in solid waste collection in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) by involving micro-enterprisesWaste Management & Research, 32 (1), pp. 79–87. 
Van Meerkerk, I. and Edelenbos, J., 2014, The effects of boundary spanners on trust and performance of urban governance networks. Findings from survey research on urban development projects in the NetherlandsPolicy Sciences, 47 (1), pp. 3-24. 
Vulturius, G. Keskitalo, C. and Scholten, P., (2014), Adaptation to climate change in the insurance sector: examples from the UK, Germany and the NetherlandsNatural Hazards 71 (1), pp. 315-334.
Wall, R., 2014, [Raising Ufa’s rating : from industrial economic to a city of new possibilities] (Chapter in Russian), In: [Ufa look into the future] (Book in Russian) Ufa, Municipality of Ufa, pp. 92-103.
Wall, R. and Stavropoulos, S., 2014, Heritage and globalization. In: Corten J-P.; Geurts, E.; Meurs, P. and Vermeulen R. (eds.). Heritage as an asset for inner city development : an urban managers' guidebook, pp. 60-63.
Welsh, S., Pennink, C. and Browne, N. J. W., eds., 2014, Master urban management and development : 2011-2012 UMD 8 [Thesis series : 6 (includes CD-ROM)]. Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS).
Welsh, S., Pennink, C. and Browne, N. J. W., eds., 2014, Master urban management and development : 2012-2013 UMD 9 [Thesis series : 7 (includes CD-ROM)]. Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS).

Aliaj, B., Shutina, D. and Ruijsink, S., 2013, Organic area development : a discussion. Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development (IHS), 18 p.
Ast, J. van., Bouwma, J. J., and Bal, M., 2013, Values connecting societies and water systems. In: (eds.) J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers and P. Scholten. Water governance as connective capacity. Burlington, VT, Ashgate. pp. 249-266.
Breimer, T. and Napier, N. 2013, A long way home : following 26 years of core housing consolidation and the struggle to achieve a sense of dignity [Urban LandMark working paper ; June 2013] Tshwane, Urban LandMark.
Burger, M. J., Knaap, B. van der and Wall, R., 2013, Revealed competition for greenfield investments between European regions. Journal of Economic Geography, 13 (4), pp. 619-648.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2013, How to incorporate informal peri-urban land markets : changing land rights in China and Ethiopia [Paper presented at Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, 8-11 April, 2013].
Dijk, M. P. van and Isoke, J., 2013, Factors influencing selection of drinking water technologies for urban informal settlements in Kampala [Early view (Online version of record published before inclusion in an issue)]. Water and Environment Journal, pp. 1-11.
Dijk, M. P. van, Koch, B. and Soeterbroek, M., 2013, Is the number of business start-ups a function of agglomeration economies and the local knowledge economy? Evidence from the Netherlands. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van, Meer, J. van der and Borg, J. van der, From urban systems to sustainable competitive metropolitan regions : essay in honour of Leo van den Berg, Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), pp. 92-115.
Dijk, M. P. van, Meer, J. van der and Borg, J. van der (eds.), 2013, From urban systems to sustainable competitive metropolitan regions : essay in honour of Leo van den Berg. Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), viii, 206 p.
Dijk, M. P. van and Mukokoma, M. M. N., 2013, New Public Management reforms and efficiency in urban water service delivery in developing countries : blessing or fad? Public Works Management & Policy, 18 (1), pp. 23-40.
Dijk, M. P. vanPennink, C. and Ruijsink, S., 2013, Capacity development : the evolution of the integrated urban management Masters course at the Ethiopian Civil Service UniversityWater Policy, 15 (S2), pp. s121-s136.
Edelenbos, J., Bressers, N. and Scholten, P., 2013, Conclusions : towards a sychronization perspective of connective capacity in water governance. In: (eds.) J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers and P. Scholten, 2013. Water governance as connective capacity. Burlington, VT, Ashgate. pp. 333-351.
Edelenbos, J., Bressers, N. and Scholten, P. (eds.), 2013, Water governance as connective capacity. Burlington, VT, Ashgate, xvii, 354 p.
Edelenbos, J., Bressers, N. and Scholten, P., 2013, Introduction : conceptualizing connective capacity in water governance. In: (eds.) J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers and P. Scholten, 2013. Water governance as connective capacity. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. pp. 1-25.
Edelenbos, J., Klijn, E. H. and Buuren, M. W. van, 2013, Connective capacities of network managers : a comparative study of management styles in eight regional governance networksPublic Management Review, 15 (1), pp. 131-159.
Edelenbos, J., Meerkerk, I. van and Klijn, E. H., 2013, Creating legitimacy in water governance networks through complexity sensitive management. In: (eds.) J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers and P. Scholten, 2013. Water governance as connective capacity. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. pp. 267-289.
Edelenbos, J., Otgaar, A. H. J. and Pol, P. M. J., 2013, Adaptation by innovation : a combined urban economics and urban governance perspective on climate adaptation. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van, Meer, J. van der and Borg, J. van der, From urban systems to sustainable competitive metropolitan regions : essay in honour of Leo van den Berg, Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), pp. 170-186.
Edelenbos, J. and Scholten, P., 2013, The role of political-public leadership for connective capacity in water governance. In: (eds.) J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers and P. Scholten, 2013. Water governance as connective capacity. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. pp. 27-48.
Edelenbos, J. and Teisman, G., 2013, Water governance capacity : The art of dealing with a multiplicity of levels, sectors and domains. International Journal of Water Governance, 1 (1-2), pp. 89-108.
Eerd, M. van and Banerjee, B. 2013, Evictions, acquisition, expropriation and compensation : practices and selected case studies [working paper ; 1] Nairobi, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
Figueiredo, C. V. and Wall, R., 2013, Cidades-BRICS competitivas: Uma leitura da competitividade das principais cidades-BRICS através da rede urbana de investimentos estrangeiros diretos. In: Santos. S. V. dos ed., 2013. As Cidades e os BRICS: análises comparadas e estudos de caso sobre o desenvolvimento urbano nos países BRICS. Rio de Janeiro, BRICS Policy Center, pp. 1-15. 
Fransen, J, 2013, Innovation in SMEs : the case of home accessories in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, (IHS working paper ; 27) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), iv, 45 p.
Gianoli, A. and Bongwa, A., 2013, Financing urban infrastructure : challenges and options. Financing urban infrastructure : challenges and options. 2013. Africa infrastructure investment report 2013. London, Commonwealth Business Communications, pp. 76-78.
Grafakos, S., Kaczmarski, C.,Olivotto, V. and Gianoli, A., 2013, Measuring the immeasurable : towards an integrated monitoring and evaluation framework of climate change adaptation projects [Paper presented at: 4th Resilient Cities Congress, 31 May - 2 June, Bonn, Germany].
Grafakos, S.Olivotto, V. and Gianoli, A., 2013, Towards an integrated evaluation framework of climate change adaptation projects [Paper presented at: European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA), March 19-20, Hamburg, Germany].
Kaklauskas, A., Pacheco Torgal, F.,Grafakos, S. and Lapinskiene, V., 2013, Built environment life cycle process and climate change. In: (eds.) F. Pacheco Torgal, M. Mistretta, A. Kaklauskas, C. G. Granqvist and L. F. Cabeza, Nearly zero energy building refurbishment : a multidisciplinary approach. London: Springer Verlag. pp. 61-97.
Meer, J. van der, Borg, J. van der and Dijk, M. P. van, 2013, Introduction. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van, Meer, J. van der and Borg, J. van der, From urban systems to sustainable competitive metropolitan regions : essay in honour of Leo van den Berg, Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), pp. 1-6.
Meerkerk, I. F. van, Boonstra, B. and Edelenbos, J., 2013, Self-organization in urban regeneration : a two-case comparative researchEuropean Planning Studies, 21 (10), pp. 1630-1652.
Meerkerk, I. van and Edelenbos, J., 2013, The effects of boundary spanners on trust and performance of urban governance networks : findings from survey research on urban development projects in the Netherlands [Early view (Online version of record published before inclusion in an issue)]. Policy Sciences.
Oduro-Kwarteng, S. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2013, The effect of increased private sector involvement in solid waste collection in five cities in GhanaWaste Management & Research, 31 (10 Supplement), pp. 81-92.
Ruijsink, S., Duka, I. and Toto, R., 2013, Urban planning and the free market in Albania. Rotterdam: Institute for Housing and Urban Development (IHS).
Tilaye, M. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2013, Micro-privatization of solid waste collection service, the case of Addis Ababa city. Waterlines, 32 (2), pp. 154-162.
Verweij, S., Klijn, E. H., Edelenbos, J. and Buuren, M. W. van, 2013, What makes governance networks work? A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis of 14 Dutch spatial planning projects. [Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue)]. Public Administration.

Bergström, T., Gianoli, A. and Rao, N., 2012, Strong leadership and local democracy : rivals or potential allies? In: L. Schapp and H. H. F. M. Daemen, eds., 2012, Renewal in European democracies, puzzles, dilemmas and options. Berlin: Springer. pp. 119-142.
Bochove, M. van, 2012, Geographies of belonging : the transnational and local involvement of economically successful migrants, (PhD thesis) Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Burger, M. J. Knaap, B. van der and Wall, R. S., 2012, Revealed competition for greenfield investments between European regionsJournal of Economic Geography, pp. 1-30.
Burger, M. J., Knaap, B. van der and Wall, R. S., 2012, Revealed competition for greenfield investments between European regions [Tinbergen Institute discussion paper : TI 2012-063-3]. Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute.
Buuren, A. van, Edelenbos, J. and Warner J. A., 2012, Space for the river : governance challenges and lessons. In: J. A. Warner, A. van Buuren and J. Edelenbos eds., 2012, Making space for the river : governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe. London: IWA Publishing. pp. 187-200.
Buuren, A. van, Klijn, E. H. and Edelenbos, J. 2012, Democratic legitimacy of new forms of water management in the NetherlandsInternational Journal of Water Resources Development, 28 (4), pp. 629-645.
Carvalho L., Mingardo G. and Haaren J. van, 2012, Green urban transport policies and cleantech innovations. Evidence from Curitiba, Göteborg and HamburgEuropean Planning Studies, 20 (3), pp. 375-396.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, An increasing role for smaller Chinese cities in Western provinces because of the crisis [Editorial]. Journal of Town and City Management, 2 (4), pp. 321-322.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Introduction [to Special issue : shifts in urban water governance paradigms]. International Journal of Water, 6 (3/4), pp. 137-154.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Lessons to manage cities as engines of growth from the transformation of Chinese provincial capitals for Ethiopia's regional capitals. In: S. Kassahun, A. Bongwa and M. P. van Dijk eds., 2012, Cities as engines of growth and transformation in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Civil Service University. pp. 1-19.
Dijk, M. P. van, ed., 2012, Shifts in urban water governance paradigms : special issue [International Journal of Water]. Vol. 6, nos 3/4. Oxford: Inderscience.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Urban poverty alleviation through employment and social policies, based on policy analysis. Shelter, 13 (3), pp. 75-91.
Edelenbos, J., 2012, Water governance and the importance of dynamic and adaptive management approachesInternational Journal of Water, 6 (3-4), pp. 330-343.
Edelenbos, J., Buuren, A. van and Warner, J. A., 2012, Space for the river IJssel : tortuous quests for striking an acceptable balance between water, nature and development. In: J. A. Warner, A. van Buuren and J. Edelenbos eds., Making space for the river : governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe. London: IWA Publishing. pp. 33-50.
Edelenbos, J., Roth, D. and Winnubst. M., 2012, Dealing with uncertainties in the Dutch Room for the River programme : a comparison between Overdiep Polder and Noordwaard. In: J. A. Warner, A. van Buuren and J. Edelenbos eds., Making space for the river : governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe. London: IWA Publishing. pp. 51-62.
Eerd, M. van, 2012, Development-induced displacement and resettlement and the misuse of public interest : comparing international guidelines with national legislation and policies in India, International Journal of Development and Social Research, III (I), pp.9-20.
Fransen, J., 2012, Transições urbanas em desequilíbrio. De artesanatos a objetos de decoração na Cidade do Cabo = Unbalanced urban transitions. From handicrafts to home accessories in Cape Town. In: Lunardelli Cavallazzi, R. and Cury Paraizo, R. eds., Patrimônio, ambiente e sociedade: novos desafios espaciais = Heritage, environment and society: new spatial challenges. Rio de Janeiro: Programa de pós-graduação em urbanismo (PROURB), pp. 77-115, pp. 275-304.
Garoma, B. F., 2012, Determinants of microenterprise success in the urban informal sector of Addis Ababa : a multidimensional analysis. PhD. Maastricht: Institute of Social Studies/Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) [Shaker].
Garoma, B. F. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Determinants of micro-enterprise success in the urban informal sector of Addis Ababa: internal factors. In: S. Kassahun, A. Bongwa and M. P. van Dijk eds., 2012, Cities as engines of growth and transformation in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Civil Service University. pp. 107-123.
Geurts, E. and Mokoena, M., 2012, Privatisation of social housing : experiences from South Africa and the Netherlands, [Paper at Sustainable Human(e) Settlements: The Urban Challenge Conference : CIB W110: Informal Settlement and Affordable Housing,]. Johannesburg, South Africa, 17-21 September. Johannesburg: University of Johannesburg. pp. 19-29.
Gianoli, A.Grafakos, S.Olivotto, V. and Haque, A., eds., 2012, Climate change adaptation projects : integrating prioritization and evaluation, [Paper at Rethinking Cities : Framing the Future : Sixth [World Bank] Urban Research and Knowledge Symposium]. Barcelona, 2012. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank.
Grafakos, S., Oikonomou, V. and Flamos, A., 2012, A qualitative assessment of EU energy policy interactions. Energy Sources, Part B : Economics, Planning, and Policy, 7 (2), pp. 177-187.
Grafakos, S., Oikonomou, V., Zevgolis, D. and Flamos, A., 2012, Integrated assessment of climate policy instruments. In: W. L. Filho and M. Manolas eds., 2012, English through climate change. Orestiada: Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace. pp. 57-74.
Grafakos, S. and Olivotto, V., 2012, Choosing the right adaptation assessment method, [Paper at ICLEI Resilient Cities Congress]. Bonn, 2012.
Grafakos, S., Zevgolis, D. and Oikonomou, V., 2012, Towards a process for eliciting criteria weights and enhancing capacity of stakeholders in ex ante evaluation of climate policies. In: A. Martinuzzi and M. Sedlako eds., 2012, Governance by evaluation for sustainable development : institutional capacities and learning. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Haque, A. N., Grafakos, S. and Huijsman, M., 2012, Participatory integrated assessment of flood protection measures for climate adaptation in DhakaEnvironment and Urbanization, 24 (1), pp. 197-213.
Jong, M. de and Edelenbos, J. 2012, Knowledge exchange in trans-national city networks : evolutionary mechanisms in cross-local learning among European cities. In: M. v. Greenhuizen and P. Nijkamp eds., 2012, Creative knowledge cities : myths, visions and realities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. 364-382.
Kassahun, S., Bongwa, A. and Dijk, M. P. van eds., 2012, Cities as engines of growth and transformation in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Civil Service University.
Liang, X. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Beijing, managing water for the eco city of the future. International Journal of Water, 6 (3/4), pp. 270-290.
Liang, X. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Cost benefit analysis of centralized waste water reuse systemsJournal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 3 (3), pp. 1-28.
Laryea-Adjei, G. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Changing water governance in Ghana through decentralisationInternational Journal of Water, 6 (3/4), pp. 215-231.
Mengistu, F. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2012, Developers' greed or an institutional issue, real estate in Addis Ababa. In: S. Kassahun, A. Bongwa and M. P. van Dijk eds., 2012. Cities as engines of growth and transformation in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Civil Service University. pp. 20-45.
Morales Schechinger, C., 2012, Curar o vacunar, dos políticas en tension : la regularización frente a las reservas territorialses en el desarrollo urbano sustentable. In: C. E.Clara Eugenia Salazar, ed., 2012. I-regular : suelo y mercado en América Latina. Mexico D.F.: El Colegio de México, Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos y Ambientales. pp. 125-157.
Núñez Fernández, A. R., 2012, Urban land management in Cuba. PhD. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Digitalis [Raboud University Nijmegen].
Ostaaijen, J. van, Gianoli, A. and Coulson, A., 2012, The added value of intra-municipal decentralisation : comparing Bologna, Rotterdam and Birmingham. In: L. Schapp and Daemen, H. H. F. M. eds., 2012. Renewal in European democracies : puzzles, dilemmas and options. Berlin: Springer. pp. 145-163.
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Tuijl, E. van and Borg, J. van der, 2012, Designing the dragon or does the dragon design? An analysis of the impact of creative industries on urban development of BeijingInternational Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 3 (2), pp. 125-138.
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Wall, R. S., 2012, Managing global cities through corporate network analysis. In: R. D. Schlunze, N. O. Agola and W. W. Baber eds., 2012, Spaces of international economy and management : launching new perspectives on management and geography. New York, NY, USA: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 65-81.
Wall, R. S. and Burger, M. J., 2012, The resilient region : the relatative development of South Holland within international investment networks. The Hague: Province of South Holland.
Wall, R. S. and Knaap, B. van der, 2012, Centrality, hierarchy and heterarchy of worldwide corporate networks. In: B. Derudder, M. Hoyler and F. W. Taylor eds., 2012, International handbook of globalization and world cities. pp. 209-229.
Warner, J. A., Buuren, A. van and Edelenbos, J., eds., 2012, Making space for the river : governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe. London: IWA Publishing.
Warner, J. A., Edelenbos, J. and Buuren, A. van, 2012, Making space for the river : governance challenges. In: J. A. Warner, A. van Buuren and J. Edelenbos eds., 2012. Making space for the river : governance experiences with multifunctional river flood management in the US and Europe. London: IWA Publishing. pp. 1-14.
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Bekkers, V., Edelenbos J. and Steijn B., 2011, Linking Innovation to the public sector: contexts, concepts and challenges. In: (eds.) Bekkers, V., Edelenbos J. and Steijn B. Innovation in the public sector : linking capacity and leadership, Palgrave, Houndmills/New York, pp. 3-34.
Bongwa, A., 2011, On the concept and measurement of fiscal imbalances in Ethiopia. In: (eds.) Bongwa, A.; Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van, Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, pp. 74-89.
Bongwa, A. and Kassahun, S., 2011, Part VII conclusions : conclusions and future research. In: (eds.) Bongwa, A.; Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, pp. 168-173.
Bongwa, A.; Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van (eds.), 2011, Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, xii, 188 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, An assessment of the urban water service delivery quality gap in Uganda and Tanzania : tapping the customer’s voice in water service delivery. In: (eds.) Brebbia, C. A. and Popov, V., Water management V, WIT, Southampton ; Boston, pp. 349-360.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, A different development model in China's Western and Eastern provinces?Modern economy, 2 (5), pp. 757-768.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Involving society in urban water management. In: Price, R. K. and Vojinovic, Z., Urban hydroinformatics : data, models and decision support for integrated urban water management, IWA, London, pp. 235-247.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Part 1: overview : decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia. In: (eds.) Bongwa, A.; Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van, Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, pp. 1-11.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Three ecological cities, examples of different approaches in Asia and Europe. In: (eds.) Wong T-C. and Yuen B., Eco-city planning : policies, practice and design, Springer, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/London/New York, pp. 31-50.
Dijk, M P. van, 2011, Using a partnership to achieve sustainable development of the palm oil value chain in Malaysia. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J. Global value chains : linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 137-163.
Dijk, M. P. van and Goes, P., 2011, Global competition in the semiconductor industry : a comparative study of Malaysian and Chinese semiconductor value chains. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J., Global value chains : linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 165-201.
Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J., 2011, Global value chains, an overview of the issues and concepts. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J., Global value chains : linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 9-31.
Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J. (eds.), 2011, Global value chains : linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J., Upgrading value chains in developing countries. In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Trienekens, J., Global value chains : linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 237-251.
Dool, L. van denEerd, M. van and Ruijsink, S., 2011, Supporting local urban knowledge arenas : how can knowledge networks contribute to urban development?, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 206 p.
Edelenbos, J., Buuren, A. van and Schie, N. van, 2011, Co-producing knowledge : joint knowledge production between experts, bureaucrats and stakeholders in Dutch water management projectsEnvironmental Science & Policy. 14 (6), pp. 675-684.
Edelenbos, J. and Meerkerk, I. van, 2011, Institutional evolution within democracy : local self-governance meets local government. In: (eds.) Torfing, J. and Triantafillou, P. Interactive policy making, metagovernance and democracy, ECPR Press, Colchester, pp. 169-186.
Edelenbos, J. and Teisman, G. R., 2011, Symposium on water governance : prologue : water governance as a government’s actions between the reality of fragmentation and the need for integrationInternational Review of Administrative Sciences, 77 (1), pp. 5-30.
Fransen, J. and Kassahun, S., 2011, Incorporating informal settlements in Addis Ababa : from centralized urban planning to local planning. In: (eds.) Bongwa, A.; Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van, Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, pp. 104-116.
Geurts, E., 2011, The affordable rental sector in Ayigya, Kumasi. In: The transformation of the urban structure of Kumasi : Studio Ghana 2010-2011 (10 architectural and urban proposals for the city of Kumasi), Publikatieburo Bouwkunde, TU Delft, Delft, pp. 50-51.
Gomaa, M. M. H. and Brilhante, O., 2011, Introducing strategic environmental assessment into spatial planning in Egypt : benefits and constraints [Paper presented at 4th Urbenviron International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Green Cities : a path to Sustainability], Cairo, 10 - 13 December, 2011.
Grafakos, S., Developing an integrated indicators’ framework for sustainability assessment of climate mitigation technologies in the energy sector [Poster presentation at 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) Advancing, Ecological Economics, Theory and Practice], June 14-17, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Grafakos, S., 2011, A methodology to integrate adaptation and development objectives during adaptation planning [Paper presented at Resilient cities 2011 : 2nd World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change], Bonn, 3-5 June 2011.
Grafakos, S., Oikonomou V. and Flamos A. [et al.] 2011, Linking least-cost energy system costs models with MCA : an assessment of the EU renewable energy targets and supporting policiesEnergy Policy, 39 (5), pp. 2786-2799.
Isunju, J. B., Schwartz, K., Schouten, M. A., Johnson, W. P. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Socio-economic aspects of improved sanitation in slums : a reviewPublic Health, 125 (6), pp. 368-376.
Klijn, E. H., Steijn B.,Edelenbos, J. and Vermeeren B., 2011, Steering for societal outcomes in governance networks: the effects of participation and network management. In: (eds.) Groeneveld, S. and Walle, S. van de, New steering concepts in public management, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, pp. 165-184.
Liang, X. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Economic and financial analysis on rainwater harvesting for agricultural irrigation in the rural areas of BeijingResources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 1100-1108.
Liang, X. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Optimal level of groundwater charge to promote rainwater usage for irrigation in rural BeijingWater, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1177-1191.
Logan, J. R.; Fang Y. and Zhang Z., 2011, The winners in China’s urban housing reform In: (ed.) Man, J.Y., China’s housing reform and outcomes, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, pp. 71-87.
Mengistu, F. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2011, Part III administrative decentralization : to redistribute authority : the challenges of public-private partnerships : the case of Merkato Millennium Development Partnership (MMDP). In: (eds.) Bongwa, A.: Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van, Decentralization and service delivery in Ethiopia, Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, pp. 28-56.
Otgaar, A., Klijs J. and Berg, L. van den, 2011, Towards healthy cities : comparing conditions for change (EURICUR series), Ashgate, Farnham/Burlington.  
Principe, A. P. and Gianoli, A., 2011, Public service improvement initiatives in developing countries : the experience of the Citizens' Charter in Naga City, Philippines, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 112 p.
Steijn, B., Klijn E. H. and Edelenbos, J., 2011, Public Private Partnerships : added value by organisational form or management?Public Administration vol. 89, no. 4, pp.1235-1252.
Teisman, G. R. and Edelenbos, J., 2011, Towards a perspective of system synchronization in water governance : a synthesis of empirical lessons and complexity theoriesInternational Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 101-118.
Wall, R. S., 2011, The position of the Dutch North-wing worldwide M&A networks : report for the Ministry of Economic Affairs of The Netherlands, Institute for Housing and Urban Development (IHS), Rotterdam.
Wall, R. S., 2011, Urban geopolitics : urban competitiveness and the global economic networkAtlantis : platform for urbanism, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 4-6.
Wall R. S., 2011, Southern African cities, In: (eds.)  P. J. Taylor, P. Ni, B. Derudder [et al.] Global urban analysis, London/Washington, Earthscan, pp. 318-324.
Wall, R. S., Burger, M. J. and Knaap, G. A. van der, 2011, The geography of global corporate networks : the poor, the rich, and the happy few countriesEnvironment and Planning A, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 904-927.
Wall, R. S. and Knaap, G. A. van der, 2011, Sectoral differentiation and network structure within contemporary worldwide corporate networksEconomic Geography, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 267-308.
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Atiyaye, B. and Eerd, M. van, 2010, Forced evictions: international guidelines and local realities: the case of Abuja, Nigeria, [Paper presented at the 15th International Metropolis Conference, Justice and Migration : Paradoxes of Belonging, held in the Hague, the Netherlands, 4-8 October, 2010], 21 p.
Ayala, A.Geurts, E. and Ahmad P. [et al.], 2010, Urbanising Africa : the city centre : experiences with inner-city revitalization from Johannesburg (South Africa), Mbabane (Swaziland), Lusaka (Zambia), Harare and Bulawayo (Zimbabwe). (IHS working papers series, no. 26) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 80 p.
Brilhante, O.Browne, N. and Eerd, M. van [et al.] (eds.), 2010, Master urban management and development 2008 - 2009 UMD 5 (IHS thesis series, no. 4) [includes CD-ROM] Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 60 p.
Bongwa, A., 2010, Informality in Ethiopia : taxing the hard to tax, In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun, S. and Dijk, M. P. van , Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker publishing, pp. 29-46.
Dijk, M.P. van, 2010 Beijing and Rotterdam eco cities? Using 100 criteria for a classification of ecological cities, paper for European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) - Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU) 2010 conference, Delft, 25 - 29 October 2010, 23 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2010, Changing land rights in China and Ethiopia, how to incorporate informal land markets, In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun, S. and Dijk, M. P. van, Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker Publishing, pp. 123-135.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2010, The contribution of cities to economic development : an explanation based on Chinese cities, [paper presented at Urban Development: patterns, causes, foundations, and policy, conference] held at Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, on 13 and 14 December 2010.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2010, Eco cities, better cities, better life? Experiences of European and Asian cities, in particular Beijing and Rotterdam, Shelter, vol. 12, no. 2, October 2010, pp. 122-134.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2010, Financing water management in Asia for achieving sustainable urban development: the example of Singapore, In: (eds.) M. del Pilar and G. Pachon , Gestion integrada de recursos hidricos, Instrumentos fiancieros y economicos, Tomo III. Universidade externado de Colombia, Bogota:, pp. 81-113.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2010, Introduction : incorporating informality : 35 years of research and policies on the urban informal sector, In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun, S. and Dijk, M. P. van , Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Shaker publishing, Maastricht, pp. 1-14.
Dijk, M. P. van and Obo, D. D., 2010, From informal lending to microfinance, In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun, S. and Dijk, M. P. van  Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker Publishing, pp. 153-170.
Fransen, J., 2010, Informality and unemployment in Addis Ababa : an odd couple, In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun, S. and Dijk, M. P. van, Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker publishing, pp. 47-69.
Fransen, J., Kassahun S. and Dijk, M. P. van (eds.), 2010, Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker publishing, xvi, 219 p.
Gianoli, A., 2010, Directly elected mayor and effectiveness of strategic city planning : the case of Turin, Italy, Journal of town & city management, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 186-196.
Grafakos, S., 2010, Multi criteria analysis as a climate change adaptation assessment tool, paper presented at Deltas in Times of Climate Change conference, Rotterdam, 29 September – 1 October 2010.
Grafakos, S., Flamos, A., and Oikonomou, V., [et al.] 2010, Integrating environmental, socio-political, economic and technological dimensions for the assessment of climate policy instruments, In: (ed.) Leal Filho, W.  The economic, social and political elements of climate change, Berlin, Springer Verlag, part 4, pp. 623-648.
Grafakos S., Flamos, A., and Zevgolis D., [et al.], 2010, Multi criteria analysis weighting methodology to incorporate stakeholders’ preferences in energy and climate policy interactionsInternational journal of energy sector management, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 434-461.
Haque, A. N., Grafakos S. and Huijsman M., 2010, Assessment of adaptation measures against flooding in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh (IHS working papers series, no. 25) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 48 p.
Kassahun, S. and Fransen, J., 2010, Incorporating informality : conclusions and recommendations  to incorporate informality, In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun, S. and Dijk, M. P. van  Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker Publishing, pp. 187-196.
Logan, J. R., Fang, Y. P., and Zhang, Z. X. 2010, The winners in China's urban housing reformHousing studies, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 101-117.
Morales Schechinger, C., 2010, Confrontación de intereses inmobiliarios en el centro histórico de la ciudad de México, In: René Coulomb, coor., México : centralidades históricas y proyectos de ciudad, Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Centros Históricos – OLACCHI, Quito, pp. 87-116.
Mengistu, F., 2010, Analysing informal settlements from the institutional perspective : a comparative case study in Addis Ababa In: (eds.) Fransen, J., Kassahun S. and Dijk, M.P. van Formalization and informalization processes in urban Ethiopia : incorporating informality, Maastricht, Shaker publishing, pp. 85-105.
Oikonomou, V., Flamos, A., and Grafakos, S., 2010, Is blending of energy and climate policy instruments always desirable? Energy Policy, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 4186–4195.
Otgaar A. H. J., Berg L. van den, Berger C and Xiang Feng R, 2010, Industrial tourism : opportunities for city and enterprise (EURICUR series), Farnham, UK, Ashgate.
Otgaar A. H. J., 2010, Industrial tourism : where the public meets the private (ERIM Ph.D. series research in management, no. 219) Rotterdam, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM) Erasmus University Rotterdam, 260 p.
Wall R. S., 2010, Gulfworld: corporate profiles and networks of Gulf cities, In: Al Manakh 2, OMA, Archis/Volume and Pink Tank (Columbia University), pp. 456-464.
Wall. R. S., 2010, The position of the Dutch North-wing in worldwide M&A networks, [Report for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Hague], 53 p.
Wall R. S., 2010, Sub-Saharan cities in globalization In: (eds.) P. J. Taylor, P. Ni, B. Derudder [et al.] Global urban analysis, London/Washington, Earthscan,  pp. 137-148.
Wall R. S., 2010, We need Archinomics, Journal l'Architecture d'aujourd'hui, no. 378, Archipress et Associés, Paris, pp.56-61.

Ayala, A., 2009, The integration Paths of the Barrios of Caracas, In: Hill, A. and Weiß, K. (eds.) Spatial planning with obstacles : 40 years of spatial planning in crisis regions and developing countries, (Dortmunder beiträge zur raumplanung : blue series, no. 133) Dortmund, Institute of Spatial Planning (IRPUD), pp. 105-122.
Ayala, A., 2009, Community organisations, misiones and integration of barrios of Caracas : the Case of the CAMEBA Upgrading Project (IHS working papers series, no. 21) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 19 p.
Berg, L. van den, Jacobs, W., and Nijdam, M., 2009, Sustainable development of (port) cities, what can firms do? : the case of Shanghai, Rotterdam, IHS/Euricur.
Bongwa, A., 2009, Managing Ethiopian cities II : Informality in Ethiopia : taxing the hard to tax (IHS working papers series, no. 22) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 49 p.
Borg J. van der and Tuijl E. van, 2009, Beijing, City of Design, Rotterdam, IHS/Euricur.
Brakman, S. and Marrewijk, C. van (eds), 2009, Theme issue : economic geography at different spatial scales, (Journal of Regional Science, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 607-800), Malden, MA, USA. Wiley Periodicals.
Brilhante, O., Browne, N. and Marrewijk, C. van [et al.] (eds), 2009, Master urban management and development 2007 - 2008 UMD 4 (IHS thesis series, no. 3) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 32 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, Competing trade policies with respect to Africa, In: (ed.) Dijk, M.P. van,  The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 102-113.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, Conclusions from China’s activities in Africa, In: (ed.) Dijk, M.P. van, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 199-220.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, The consequences for China’s mega cities of the global economic recession, [Paper for The 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU), The new urban question – urbanism beyond neo-liberalism Amsterdam/Delft, 26-28 November, 2009].
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, Ecological cities, illustrated by Chinese examples, In: (ed.) Mohamed Salih, M A., Climate change and sustainable development : new challenges for poverty reduction, Cheltenham. Edward Elgar.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, Ecological cities, what are we heading for and are new towns examples of ecological cities? [Paper for the 10th Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South (N-AERUS) Conference, Challenges to open cities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East : shared spaces within and beyond, Rotterdam 1-3 October, 2009]. 
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, Introduction : objectives and investments in Africa, In: (ed.) Dijk, M.P. van, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp 11-30.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, The impact of the Chinese in other African countries and sectors, In: (ed.) Dijk, M.P. van, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 157-174.
Dijk M. P. van (ed.) 2009, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 224 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, The political impact of the Chinese in Sudan, In: (ed.) Dijk, M.P. van, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 141-156.
Dijk, M.P. van 2009, Urban water governance as part of a strategy for risk mitigation, what is different in Third World cities? In: (ed.) Paleo, U. F. Building safer communities : risk governance, spatial planning and responses to natural hazards (NATO science for peace and security series – E : human and societal dynamics ; vol. 58), Amsterdam, IOS Press,  pp. 182-200.
Geurts, E., 2009, Working on cities : an experience from Kumasi, Ghana : a design studio for architects and urban management students [Paper for African Perspectives conference in Pretoria 25-28 September, 2009].
Gianoli, A., 2009, Local democratic governance : the management of complexity, Saarbrücken, VDM Verlag.
Grafakos, S., Flamos, A., and Oikonomou, V., 2009, Integrating environmental, socio–political, economic and technological dimensions for the assessment of climate policy instruments [Paper prepared for the Climate 2009 online conference]
Kragelund, P. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2009, China’s investments in Africa, In: (ed.) Dijk, M.P. van, The new presence of China in Africa, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 83-100.
Logan, J. R., Fang, Y. P. and Zhang., Z. X. 2009, Access to Housing in Urban ChinaInternational Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 914-935.
Núñez Fernández, R., 2009, Econometric analysis applied to urban property transactions in Havana between 1994 – 2007 (IHS working papers series, no. 23) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 51 p.
Núñez Fernández, R., 2009, Public rules about using and owning real estate in Cuba (IHS working papers series, no. 24) Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 28 p.
Obo, D. D., 2009, Microfinance in Ethiopia : elixir or poison? (PhD. thesis, Institute of Social Studies - ISS, The Hague) Maastricht, Shaker, xviii, 254 p.
Odufuwa, B.O., Fransen., J.Bongwa, A., and Gianoli, A., 2009, Cities, theories and realityJournal of Geography and Regional Planning, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 243-248
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Poel, E. van de, 2009, Urbanization health and inequality in the developing world (PhD. Thesis) Rotterdam, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, , 186 p.

Alehegn, E., Serbeh-Yiadom, K. C. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, Land administration : law, policy practice, In: (eds.) Dijk, M.P. van and Fransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon, pp. 11-27.
Berden, K. G. and Marrewijk, C. van, 2008, On the static and dynamic costs of trade restrictions for small developing countries, (IHS reprint series ; 14), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), pp. 47-60.
Bongwa, A., 2008, Regulating sub national borrowing, In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and F.ransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon, pp. 67-96.
Brakman, S., Garita, G., Garretsen, H. and Marrewijk, C. van, 2008, Unlocking the value of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, (IHS working papers series ; 17), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 30 p.
Brakman, S., Garretsen, H. and Marrewijk, C. van, 2008, Agglomeration and aid, (IHS reprint series ; 11), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 25 p.
Brakman, S. and Marrewijk, C. van, 2008, Transfers, nontraded goods, and unemployment : an analysis of the Keynes-Ohlin debate, (IHS reprint series ; 13), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), pp.121-144.
Brakman, S., Marrewijk, C. van and Witteloostuijn, A. van, 2008, Welfare distribution effect of a price reduction in the Dutch gas transport market  : a scenario analysis of regulatory policy, market form and rent allocation, (IHS reprint series ; 12), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), pp. 6299–6308.
Brilhante, O., Browne, N., Eerd, M. van, Gianoli, A., Marrewijk, C. van, Pennink, C. and Welsh, S. N., 2008, Master Urban Management and Development 2006 - 2007 UMD 3, Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS),  ix, 31 p.
Brugmans, G. and Schröder, R., 2008, Making cities work[IHS's 50th anniversary film], Rotterdam,Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS).
Davidson, F., Dool, L. van den, Eerd, M. van, Ruijsink, S., Banerjee, B., Perez, M. and Sarfoh, O., 2008, Feasibility study : supporting local urban knowledge arenas, (Report written for : Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 206 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, Conclusions, In: (eds.) Dijk, M.P. van and Fransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon, pp. 241-249.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, The development of a dynamic IT cluster in Nanjing : differences between the traditional manufacturing and modern IT clusters and how to sustain a dynamic and competitive cluster, (IHS working papers series ; 14), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 21 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, EditorialInternational Journal of Water, vol. 4, no. 3/4, pp. 149-158.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, The impact of the sub prime crisis on sustainable housing financeShelter, vol. 11, no. 1, April, pp. 45-52.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, Public-private partnerships in basic service delivery: impact on the poor, examples from the water sector in India, International Journal of Water, vol. 4, no. 3/4, pp. 216-234.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, Role of small-scale private operators in water and sanitationInternational Journal of Water, vol. 4, no. 3/4, pp. 275-289.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008,Urban rural dynamics : a comparative study between Ethiopia and Tanzania, In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Fransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon, pp. 147-161.
Dijk, M. P. van and Fransen, J., (eds.) 2008, Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon, vii, 249 p.
Dijk, M. P. van and Mingshun, Z., 2008, Urban environmental and economic performance linked to sustainability : evidence from big and medium size Chinese cities, Rotterdam, (IHS working papers series ; 15), Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 23 p.
Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, Urban management and institutional change : an integrated approach to achieving ecological cities, Rotterdam, (IHS working papers series ; 16), Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS),  20 p.
Dijk, M. P. van and Obo, D.D., 2008, Microfinance for urban development, In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Fransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon,  pp. 189-212.
Dijk, M. P. van and Schouten, M. A. C., 2008, Private sector involvement according to European water liberisation scenariosInternational Journal of Water, vol. 4, no. 3/4, pp. 149-158.
Dijk, M. P. van, Schouten, M. A. C. and Brdjanovic, D., 2008, A Caribbean evaluation of public versus private drinking water provision : the case of St. Maarten, Netherlands AntillesInternational Journal of Water, vol. 4, no. 3/4, pp. 258-274.
Dybczak, K., Voňkay, D.  and Windt, N. van der, 2008, The effects of oil price shocks on the Czech economy, (CNB Working paper series ; 5), Prague, Czech National Bank, 41 p.
Eerd, M. van, 2008, Policy interventions and grassroots initiatives : mismatches in a relocation project in Chennai, India, (IHS working papers series ; 18), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 18 p.
Eerd, M. van, 2008, Local initiatives in relocation : the state and NGOs as partners? : From research to action, New Delhi,Monohar Publishers, 359 p.
Eerd, M. van, Afejuku-Egbe, R. O. and Nwaghodoh, E., 2008, Abuja process mapping report, Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 78 p.
Ettinger, J. van, 2008, International education a personal retrospective, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, 22 p.
Fransen, J., 2008, Can city development strategies boost equitable growth? An analysis of Awassa,In: (eds.) Dijk, M. P. van and Fransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon,  pp. 213-239.
Fransen, J., 2008, Introduction, In: (eds.) Dijk, M.P. van and Fransen, J., Managing Ethiopian cities in an era of rapid urbanisation, Delft, Eburon, pp. 1-9
Fransen, J. and Dijk, M. P. van, 2008, Informality in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia[Paper presented at the conference 'Are cities more important than countries?' Rotterdam, 30 - 31 October, 2008], Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS)/Erasmus University Rotterdam, 21 p.
Laryea-Adjei, G. 2008, Decentralization plus pluralism for basic services : water and sanitation services in Ghana, Delft, Eburon, xiii, 199 p.
Morales Schechinger, C. and Garcia Jimenez, S. 2008, Mexico City and University City : a story of struggle for autonomy through land, In: (eds.) Wiewel, W and Perry, D. C., Global universities and urban development : case studies and analysis, New York, M. E. Sharpe, pp.119-153.
Morales Schechinger, C. and Garcia Jimenez, S. 2008, Impactos en las regulaciones del precio de suelo no urbanizado : caso de estudio Bogotá,  In: ACE Arquitectura, Ciudad y Gobierno, III -7 jun. ed., Universidad Politécnica Cataluña/UNIPAZ, Barcelona.
Núñez Fernández, R., 2008, La Permuta : an effective instrument for housing transactions in Cuba, (IHS working papers series ; 19), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 33 p.
Núñez Fernández, R., 2008, Land and building valuation in Cuba : from land without value to land as financial asset, (IHS working papers series ; 20), Rotterdam, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), 30 p.
Pal, A., 2008, Planning from the bottom up : democratic decentralisation in action, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 128 p.
Pal, A., 2008, Political space for the civil society : the work of two community-based organizations in KolkataHabitat International, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 424-436.
Winden, W. van, Berg, L. van den, Carvalho, L. Tuil, E. van, 2008, How important in manufacturing in the "new urban economy"? Rotterdam, European Institute for Comparative Urban Research (EURICUR).

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