This collection of tools constitutes a compilation from two previously developed toolkits, one focused on strategic urban planning and one developed for the SCORE project.
The initial inspiring idea of developing the co-create your city toolkit was developed by trainers who work with and train urban development professionals & other change-makers from various disciplines. The trainers realised that many people find it hard to get started with urban planning processes. Therefore, they designed this toolkit together with people working on urban issues in the field.
From there, the toolkit was further enriched by the co-creation toolkit developed for the SCORE project. SCORE is a four-year EU-funded project aimed at increasing climate resilience in European coastal cities. It is based upon the Coastal City Living Lab framework, ensuring enhanced stakeholder and citizen ownership of solutions through systematic and effective involvement in a living lab integrative process. For SCORE, co-creation is the outcome of a process where different knowledge, values and expertise evolve to build a sustainable Coastal City Living Lab.
Our vision for this toolkit is to offer open-source tools for facilitating co-creation activities with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. It is important to us that this resource is open source because we believe in the values of equality, equity, social justice, and the right to shape the cities we live in.
The first pilot was done in Lebanon with the NGO NAHNOO and the Notre Dame Louaize University (NDU) and the Veldacademie as partners.
From IHS, our colleagues Catherine Foley, Elena Petsani, Els Keunen, Saskia Ruijsink, Sofie Rasmussen, and Samha Alam further developed and shaped the first co-create your city toolkit for IHS. We want to acknowledge them for their invaluable contribution to developing this toolkit.
We also would like to acknowledge the IHS colleagues responsible for the IHS Action Plan course and methodology, who created several tools and templates available in the toolkit: Forbes Davidson, Bep Fritschi, Monique Peltenburg, Carley Pennink, Harry Mengers, Hans Teerlink, and Julia Skinner.
We extend our gratitude to all the SCORE consortium members, especially to the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL).
From the IHS SCORE team involved in the current toolkit version, read more about our contributors below:
Former IHS SCORE team members

The toolkit was (also) developed within the project SCORE - Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007142. This output reflects the views of the authors, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.